November 6, 2009

Langston Hughes’ Black Nativity GSU Student Group

I wanted to touch base about getting the word out to GSU for our upcoming production of Langston Hughes’ Black Nativity. I have $15 tickets to performances on the following dates if tickets are ordered by November 9th, making the show very affordable for students and academia. Ideally, I’d love to get a student group together from GSU.

The shows I have the $15 tickets for are the following:

Thurs. 12/3 @ 10 AM
Fri. 12/4 @ 10 AM
Tues. 12/8 @ 8 PM
Wed. 12/9 @ 7 PM
Thurs 12/10 @ 8
Fri 12/11 @ 8

I’ve attached the press release with the complete info on the show. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Dwyer (contact info below). We're trying to see how much interest this generates and if we can get together a large enough group to go and see the performance! :)


Jennifer N. Dwyer
Director of Marketing & PR
Kenny Leon's True Colors Theatre Company
659 Auburn Avenue, Ste 257
Atlanta, GA 30312
404.588.0308x. 206
404.558.8851 (cell)

Contact: Jennifer Dwyer, Marketing Director
404.588.0308 x206;

November 2, 2009

Theatre Students Wanted for Hire for Upcoming Show

My name is Janea Rowe and I am the Marketing Coordinator for Lang Holdings in Delafield, WI. My company is exhibiting at the Atlanta Gift Show in January and is looking potentially to hire a few of your students to assist us at the show. I am wondering if you can put me in contact with a Theater professor at your university.

Specifically, we would like to hire 8-10 theater students to walk around the show in a costume (the costume would be minimal and simple) to promote our company. The dates are January 7th, 8th and 9th; hours would be approximately 8:00 am to 4:00 pm with schedule breaks and lunch.

Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information at the contact information below.

Thank you in advance for your help.


Janea Rowe

Marketing Coordinator
Lang Holdings, Inc.
p: 262.646.7676
f: 262.646.9022